Saturday, March 8, 2008

I Did It: Laser Hair Removal

Name: Elise
Age: 33
Procedure: Laser Hair Removal for Bikini and Underarm
Cost: Rates for bikini and underarms start at $300 each, but special pricing programs and series are available that reduce the cost considerably. On average, for each of these areas, four to six treatments -- spread out over four to six weeks -- are recommended.
Where it was done: Metamorphosis Day Spa, New York

Describe the procedure:
Originally I only planned on doing my underarms, but during my first visit I knew I wanted to do my bikini too because the procedure was quick and far less painful than I had expected. Shockingly, it only took about 15 minutes for both the underarm and the bikini areas together!

The laser technician, Cleo, was extremely knowledgeable and explained everything I should expect. I was mostly confused on how the process worked, and she explained that the light of the Candela laser she was going to use targets the hair follicle pigment in its growth (anagen) stage and then it damages the hair shaft and root, causing subsequent regrowth to be finer and lighter. This process doesn't actually remove the hair but instead, singes it. The singed (treated) hair falls out in one to two weeks. Since all hair grows in three stages, the targeted hair has some regrowth, but these hairs will be finer and lighter than before. She also instructed that, between treatments, I could only shave the areas being treated. This worried me, but as it turned out, I had so little regrowth after the first visit, shaving was perfectly adequate.

After Cleo answered all of my questions I felt very comfortable and eager to begin. After asking me questions about my ethnic background and assessing my skin and hair type she calibrated the laser to a setting that would work best for me. She gave me goggles to wear to protect my eyes (this precaution is taken no matter what area is being treated) and then placed the laser on my skin and, for lack of a better word, "zapped" away. The laser delivers a burst of light to the area through a handheld crystal. It wasn't painful, but I wouldn't call it pleasant either. Essentially the laser is "attacking" the hair follicles. Fortunately, the handheld device treats approximately 1 square inch with every "zap," so it took very little time. The laser produced a mild singed-hair smell, but it was not unpleasant.

After the first treatment, my skin looked as though I was sunburned, but the redness faded within a day or so. Subsequent treatments did not leave me red and tender at all. I've tried the Epilight laser for my bikini area, but the Candela laser worked much better. Within days of my first treatment I noticed my skin was smooth and clear -- no ingrown hairs or marks! I'm thrilled with the results. I highly recommend this form of hair removal and have told all of my friends about it.

How long did it take?
Bikini -- five to seven minutes
Underarms -- five to seven minutes

I've already done four treatments, and it looks as though I'll need one more. I have some regrowth but it's so fine and light that I can simply shave it off.

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the worst pain, how painful was the procedure overall?
I would give the overall treatment a rate of 2 to 3. The initial treatments were more painful than the latter ones. But, be warned: During the very first bikini treatment, I experienced severe pain in the sensitive labia area; mercifully, it only lasted 20 seconds or so. Subsequent visits were much more tolerable. All in all, the entire procedure was much less painful than electrolysis or waxing.

Did anything during or after the procedure surprise you?
Not really. Since I had tried laser hair removal before I was prepared and basically knew what to expect. Everything that surprised me (like how smooth my skin was after the second session and how fast it was) was a pleasant surprise!

How embarrassing was it to have the bikini area treated, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being so embarrassing you'd never repeat the experience?
I would rate the embarrassing factor a 3 -- during the bikini procedure I was naked, spread-eagle on the table! This is definitely not a procedure for someone very shy.

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 exceeding your expectations, how happy were you with the results?
A 10 -- I'm thrilled with the results! I never imagined I could have such smooth, clear, skin in areas where I was once plagued with ingrown hairs or stubble. Just knowing I'll never have to wax again is an enormous relief (especially on my wallet).

What did you like most about the results of the procedure?
Having so little regrowth and not having to resort to additional methods of hair removal. Now if I have a hair or two, I just shave it and it's gone.

What did you like least about the results of the procedure?
After the initial treatment I was a little sore and red, but it was comparable to post-waxing discomfort. The second treatment and all subsequent treatments never left me sore or red.

What was the feedback from your husband/boyfriend, family or friends?
Of course only my close girlfriends and boyfriend have seen the results, but they all love it.

Would you do it again?
Yes, without hesitation.

source from

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