Monday, January 28, 2008

The Beauty Benefits Of Basil

Sweet basil is a tender annual herb with dark green, pointed oval leaves that may be fuzzy. It bears whorls of green, white or pink flowers. The entire basil plant, Ocimum basilicum, emits a fresh, sweet herbaceous scent. Steam-distilling the flowering herb produces an oil that can be colorless, pale yellow or pale green. Basil oil has a light spicy smell with a balsamic or camphorlike undertone.

Native to tropical Asia and Africa, this member of the Lamiaceae family is cultivated throughout Europe, in the Mediterranean, on islands in the Pacific and in North and South America. Brazil, Bulgaria, Egypt, France, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Morocco, South Africa and the United States all produce basil oil.

Beauty Benefits

Because basil oil has the ability to stimulate circulation, it enlivens dull-looking skin, improves skin tone and gives the complexion a rosy glow. It helps to control acne. It also adds a luster to dull hair.

Emotional Effects

Basil oil possesses both sedative and stimulating actions. Its sedative action wards off anxiety attacks and nervous tension, and helps to vanquish insomnia; its stimulating action fights mental fatigue and strengthens mental functions. Basil oil increases concentration, sharpens the senses, clarifies thoughts and clears the head. As a nerve tonic, basil oil can calm nervousness. In Europe, psychologists and physicians use it to treat melancholy and depression. Basil oil can minimize fear and sadness while fortifying weak nerves.

Reprinted from Aromatherapy for Vibrant Health and Beauty by Roberta Wilson with permission of Avery Books, a member of Penguin Putnam Inc. Copyright © 1995 by Roberta Wilson.

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