A member of the Lamiaceae family, patchouli is native to tropical Asia and is cultivated in
Beauty Benefits
Patchouli oil regenerates skin cells and is reputed to ward off wrinkles. It also tightens and tones sagging skin. Patchouli oil speeds the healing of sores and wounds, and helps to fade scars. It cools and calms inflamed skin and sunburn; it soothes and smoothes rough, dry and cracked skin. At the same time, it regulates the oiliness of skin and hair and helps control acne and scalp disorders such as dandruff and seborrhea. It also repels insects. By reducing fluid retention and tightening saggy skin, patchouli oil helps combat cellulite. It acts as a deodorant and helps control perspiration.
Emotional Effects
Patchouli oil diminishes depression and eases anxiety. It helps recovery from nervous exhaustion, stress and stress-related conditions. It reduces mental fatigue and banishes lethargy. In low doses, it acts as a sedative, while in larger quantities it is stimulating. It can sharpen intelligence, improve concentration and provide insight. It cools and calms during physically or emotionally hot situations. It is a stabilizing and balancing oil with aphrodisiac attributes that can heighten libido.
Reprinted from Aromatherapy for Vibrant Health and Beauty by Roberta Wilson with permission of Avery Books, a member of Penguin Putnam Inc. Copyright © 1995 by Roberta Wilson.
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