Monday, January 28, 2008

Aromatherapy A-Z : Ylang-ylang

Tall and willowy, the majestic ylang-ylang or perfume tree displays clusters of large star-shaped flowers on downward-drooping branches. These unusual flowers range in color from white to pink to yellow to yellowish green. Their fragrance is fresh and floral, sweet and seductive, exciting and exotic. This refreshing scent is relaxing, almost intoxicating.

Shortly after sunrise in either early summer or autumn, workers gather ylang-ylang blossoms. Immediately afterwards, they begin the steam-distillation process, which lasts several days. About fifty pounds of freshly picked flowers yields one pound of ylang-ylang oil.

Ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata, variety genuina) is closely related to cananga (Cananga odorata). Both are members of the Annonaceae family, and both yield essential oils. Ylang-ylang oil, however, is far superior to cananga oil. Also known as poor man's jasmine, ylang-ylang flowers can produce six different grades of syrupy yellowish oil. Experts contend that the yellow flowers produce the best oil. Pure ylang-ylang oil is most desirable for aromatherapy purposes. The finest-quality oil is purchased by the perfume industry, which includes small amounts of it in some expensive scents. Cosmetic manufacturers utilize the low-grade ylang-ylang or cananga oil.

Originally native to Southeast Asia and the Philippines, the "flower of flowers"-the Malay meaning of ylang-ylang-now thrives throughout the tropics. Blossoms of trees growing in the wild produce little fragrance, but when the trees are carefully tended, their scent intensifies. Ylang-ylang is cultivated commercially in the Comoro Islands, Haiti, Java, Sumatra and Zanzibar.

Beauty Benefits

Ylang-ylang oil benefits any type of skin but is most effective in treating oily skin. It balances oil production, reducing excessive oiliness. By fighting bacterial infection, it helps control acne and blemishes. Ylang-ylang oil softens and smoothes skin, and stimulates new cell growth. It reportedly can ward off wrinkles and premature aging because it relaxes facial muscles and releases facial tension that can contribute to lines, wrinkles and sagging skin.

Emotional Effects

European psychotherapists treat depression, insomnia and nervous tension with ylang-ylang oil. It relaxes and calms excited emotional states. Ylang-ylang oil subdues anxiety, stress and stress-related disorders. It reduces worrying and tension, and stabilizes moods. It minimizes anger, fears and frustrations, while fostering feelings of love, security and serenity. It stimulates enthusiasm and can provide comfort during times of change. Ylang-ylang oil encourages positive emotions and feelings, helping to improve attitude. It awakens an appreciation of self and others, as well as of the beauty of life. It inspires creativity, intuition and understanding, and helps both men and women to enjoy their feminine qualities. Some European medical and psychological professionals recommend ylang-ylang oil for sexual difficulties such as frigidity, impotence and feelings of sexual inadequacy, especially when these problems stem from stress. Ylang-ylang oil arouses sensuality, creates erotic and euphoric moods, and induces deep relaxation.

Reprinted from Aromatherapy for Vibrant Health and Beauty by Roberta Wilson with permission of Avery Books, a member of Penguin Putnam Inc. Copyright © 1995 by Roberta Wilson.

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