Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Aromatherapy A-Z: Frankincense

The small shrubby frankincense tree bears abundant foliage and white or pale pink blossoms. Gatherers gash and peel back the bark, which exudes a milky white juice. When it comes into contact with air, this sap solidifies into tear-shaped lumps that are amber or burnt orange in color and range from about one-quarter inch to one and one-half inches in size. Steam distillation of the gum resin of Boswellia carteri or Boswellia thurifera renders a clear pale yellow or yellowish green oil. It has a warm and woody, sweet and spicy, rich and resinous aroma, with a light lemony undertone. Some frankincense oil is extracted with alcohol or a chemical solvent such as hexane. Only steam-distilled or alcohol-extracted frankincense resin should be used for aromatherapy purposes.

A member of the Burseraceae family, frankincense is native to areas in the Middle East around the Red Sea, as well as to China, Iran, Lebanon and Oman. It grows wild throughout northeast Africa, primarily in Ethiopia and Somalia. Most of the distillation takes place in Europe. There is some distillation of frankincense oil in India as well.

Beauty Benefits

Although well known to ancient peoples, for centuries frankincense oil's skin-beautifying properties were practically forgotten. Its restorative, regenerating and rejuvenating actions are especially useful for dry, mature and sensitive skins. It smoothes lines and wrinkles, and soothes and softens raw chapped skin. Frankincense oil's astringent properties help balance oily skin. It accelerates the healing of blemishes, inflammations, sores, scars, skin ulcers and wounds. Frankincense was one of the first botanical essences to be used in fragrances. It has a powerful fixative quality and is still used to add "staying power" to perfumes.

Emotional Effects

Frankincense oil can help to fortify a mind burdened with mental anxiety, nervous tension or stress. It reduces anxiety and revitalizes the body and mind when a person is mentally or physically exhausted. It comforts and soothes the emotions and heals emotional wounds. Frankincense oil can help you sever ties with the past that are hampering your personal growth. By slowing respiration, frankincense oil produces a sense of serenity and calms restlessness. It is a stabilizing and centering oil and helps to focus energy.

Reprinted from Aromatherapy for Vibrant Health and Beauty by Roberta Wilson with permission of Avery Books, a member of Penguin Putnam Inc. Copyright © 1995 by Roberta Wilson.

source from http://beauty.ivillage.com

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