Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Aromatherapy A-Z: Neroli

Pale yellow neroli oil emits a sweet, full-bodied citrus aroma with a slightly spicy, slightly bitter undertone. Neroli oil is produced from the delicate white blossoms of the bitter orange or Seville orange tree. This evergreen tree bears glossy, dark green oval leaves, and in May and October, an abundance of small white flowers appear. One ton of hand-picked blossoms from Citrus aurantium, Citrus bigaradia or Citrus vulgaris yields only one quart of neroli oil, or orange blossom oil. This makes neroli oil comparatively expensive. Unfortunately, distillers and suppliers often adulterate neroli due to its high cost.

The bitter orange tree, which grows to heights of twenty to thirty feet, belongs to the Rutaceae family. Once native to central Asia and China, these trees now grow in subtropical regions of California, Mexico and South America, as well as in areas surrounding the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean. Farmers in Egypt, Italy, Morocco, Sicily, southern France, Spain, Tunisia and the Comoro Islands, located off the southeast coast of Africa, cultivate commercial crops of bitter orange trees. Many experts claim the best neroli oil comes from Tunisia.

Beauty Benefits

Neroli oil increases circulation and stimulates new cell growth. It can prevent scarring and stretch marks. It is useful in treating skin conditions linked to emotions or stress, as it calms the emotions as well as the skin. Any type of skin can benefit from neroli oil, although it is particularly good for dry, irritated or sensitive skin. It regulates oiliness and minimizes enlarged pores. Neroli oil helps to clear acne and blemished skin, especially if the skin lacks moisture. With regular treatment, it can reduce the appearance of fragile or broken capillaries and varicose veins.

Emotional Effects

Neroli oil soothes emotional upsets and eases anger, depression, grief, hysteria, mood swings, nervousness and shock. Health care practitioners and aromatherapists in Europe use it to bring quick relief for anxiety attacks and to treat chronic anxiety. Neroli oil subdues stress and tension. Its hypnotic effect helps to induce sleep. It encourages confidence, courage, joy, peace and sensuality. Neroli oil can provide the strength and support to get through difficult or trying times.

Reprinted from Aromatherapy for Vibrant Health and Beauty by Roberta Wilson with permission of Avery Books, a member of Penguin Putnam Inc. Copyright © 1995 by Roberta Wilson.

source from http://beauty.ivillage.com

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