Monday, January 28, 2008

Aromatherapy A-Z : Coriander

The bright green feathery leaves of the coriander plant are delicately lobed. After its tiny lacy white or pale pink flowers bloom, they turn into green seeds that eventually become brown or brownish gray. At maturity, the plant reaches a height of two to three feet.

Steam-distilling the crushed ripe seeds produces a colorless or pale yellow oil with a fresh spicy fragrance that is sweet, woody and slightly balsamic. It takes about forty-five pounds of seeds to produce one pound of coriander oil.

Known also as Chinese parsley or cilantro, Coriandrum sativum is a member of the Apiaceae family. Coriander is indigenous to Morocco and the Middle East, and is now grown commercially in India, North Africa, Russia, South America, southern Europe and western Asia. Romania, Russia and the other former Soviet Republics produce the majority of coriander oil. Coriander leaf oil is also available. It smells similar to the seed oil but is stronger, greener and not as sweet.

Beauty Benefits

Coriander oil is a natural deodorant. Coriander oil is also frequently used in perfumery, particularly in men's fragrances. Because it stimulates circulation and fights fluid retention, it is helpful for cellulite.

Emotional Effects

Coriander oil stimulates the central nervous system and relieves lethargy, mental fatigue and nervousness. Some people say it decreases dizziness. It improves the memory and the mental functions. Coriander oil can even inspire creativity. Coriander oil refreshes and energizes, yet it is also relaxing and calming for anxiety, irritability and stress. It is especially revitalizing during recovery from illness. Coriander oil brings comfort in times of emotional shock or fear. Due to its estrogenlike component, it balances female hormones and can stimulate erotic feelings. It also reputedly helps overcome impotence.

Reprinted from Aromatherapy for Vibrant Health and Beauty by Roberta Wilson with permission of Avery Books, a member of Penguin Putnam Inc. Copyright © 1995 by Roberta Wilson.

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