Monday, January 28, 2008

3 Bath Treats To Refresh And Revive

No more summer melt-downs with easy-to-make spa recipes like these that help you keep your beauty cool. Many of the ingredients can probably be found ready and waiting in your kitchen cupboards.

Peppermint-Inhalation Bath

Make an infusion by pouring 4 cups boiling water over 2 cups fresh peppermint (or any variety of mint) leaves and stems. Cover, steep until cool and strain. To strained infusion add 1 teaspoon jojoba oil, 1 drop essential oil of peppermint, 5 drops essential oil of tangerine, 2 drops essential oil of neroli and 2 drops essential oil of petit grain. Add this peppermint infusion to warm bathwater to feel fresheshed and renewed.

Seashore Bath

Combine the following ingredients: 1 cup sea salt, ¾ cup Epsom salts, ½ cup baking soda, 2 drops essential oil of cedar, 3 drops essential oil of clary sage, 6 drops essential oil of orange, 1 drop essential oil of neroli (orange flowers), 5 drops essential oil of bergamot (bee balm). Add the mixed ingredients to the bath just before stepping into the tub. This amount will infuse 1 to 2 baths. When added to the bath, healing salt minerals do much to revive and cool the skin while invoking the invigorating salt air of a seaside spa.

Aromatic Face and Body Spritz

A drop or two of essential oil in distilled water makes a refreshing mist for face and body. To make a scented water, add a few drops of a pure, plant-derived essential oil to distilled, chlorine-free water (4 to 5 drops essential oil to each cup of water), or prepare a botanical infusion using dried or fresh flowers and herbs, strain it and then add essential oils. (Optional: 1 to 2 tablespoons rose water, orange-flower water, witch hazel or cider vinegar may be added to each cup of water if desired.) Bottle in a mister or spray bottle (or apply to face and body with a cotton ball). To fully disperse oils, shake well before spraying. For longer-lasting blends, store in the refrigerator (a must if using fresh or dried plant material) or use tincture of benzoin, a natural preservative available at health food stores. Apply after bathing, exercising, traveling or exposure to the sun.

Citrus-Burst Facial Mist

Combine 2/3 cup boiling water and ½ cup fresh citrus (lemon, lime or orange) flowers and leaves. Make an infusion by pouring boiling water over flowers and leaves. Immediately cover, steep for 8 to 10 hours and strain. Add to strained liquid 1 drop essential oil of neroli, 1 drop essential oil of petit grain (leaves and stems of orange tree), 5 drops tincture of benzoin. Bottle and store in the refrigerator. Use this citrusy mist to tone and soothe the complexion. It is especially effective on sensitive or mature skin.

Herbal Pick-Me-Up Tonic

Combine 1 ½ cups distilled water, 1 drop essential oil of clary sage, 2 drops essential oil of peppermint and 2 drops essential oil of sweet basil. Bottle and shake ingredients. Mist face and body, or apply with a cotton ball. This easy-to-make herbal tonic has antiseptic and astringent properties to stimulate circulation, cool and relive fatigue.

source from

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