Thursday, December 13, 2007

Skin Care Resolutions You Can Keep

Cutting out caffeine, anyone? No more desserts? Aiming to exercise five times a week? Or lose 10 pounds the first week in January? When it comes to New Year's resolutions, we've heard (and promised) it all. We'd like to suggest a radical departure this year: a few resolutions that are not only easy to keep, but can make a real difference in your appearance and keep you looking younger longer. Yes, we said easy. And it is ‑-as easy as washing your face. See for yourself with this advice from some of the country's top skin care experts:

Resolution #1: I will wear sunscreen every day. We know you know this is important. But do you do it? In case you've forgotten, let's review the facts. Sun exposure, even 15 minutes of it midday, can damage skin and lead to fine lines, discoloration and loss of elasticity down the road. These conditions age you before your time. Sun exposure is cumulative. That means you will not see today's sun damage today. When you do see it, it will be too late. Experts suggest you wear a daily SPF of 15 and use SPF 30 if you're skiing or at the beach.

Resolution #2: I will wash and moisturize my face morning and night. It sounds basic, right? But it's amazing how many women don't do this. "Never, never, never sleep in makeup," proclaims Jamie Ahn, owner of the day spa Acqua Beauty Bar in New York City. "Even noncomedogenic makeup will clog pores if you don't take it off." If you haven't figured out the ideal regimen for you, it's never too late to start. Begin with a gentle cleanser. (Look for one that doesn't foam; foaming cleansers contains detergents, which are harsh.) Use a toner if you're oily, and apply a moisturizer that contains antioxidants like vitamin C. Of course, there are a thousand variations on this theme. Once you start with a simple regimen, you can investigate products formulated for your specific skin issues. You may want to try an alpha-hydroxy acid product if your skin is dull or look for salicylic acid if you have acne. When in doubt, ask. Get a facial and ask for recommendations, suggests Ahn, or talk to the company representatives behind the counters in department stores.

Resolution #3: I will use an eye cream. "If you invest in a good eye cream, you will not be sorry," says Ahn. "The skin around your eyes is the most fragile on your face. It's the first skin to age. This is the skin that gets puffy when we cry and gets dark circles when we're tired." There's a range of eye creams, and each cream has different benefits, she notes. "I love Phyto-Contour from Yon-Ka because it contains rosemary, which is good for puffiness." For fine lines, Ahn recommends Epicurean Eye Cream and Sonya Dakar's Oxygen Eye Cream.

Resolution #4: I will get a facial at least four times a year. "Prebook a seasonal facial today," advises Ahn. "Ideally you would get a facial every month, but if you can't, at least get one every three months. If it's in your schedule, you'll make time for it." The benefits, she says, are many. "Whether you need deep cleansing or deep moisturizing, an aesthetician can get better results than you can get at home," she notes. In addition, most day spas offer a number of peels and other procedures, such as microdermabrasion, that can deal with specific problems, like discolorations and sagging skin.

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