Thursday, December 13, 2007

Care Of Eyes

Sugar and starch should not be taken as it makes the eyes dull. If the nerves and blood vessels gets disturbed eyes appear be dull and looks tired. The skin surrounding around the eyes is very delicate. After getting up in the morning, splash cold water on your eyes. It improves blood circulation. Wipe eyes with apple juice as apple juice is rich in pectin which will makes the eyes sparkle.

Basic eye problem:

Dark circles

This is a very common problem which is caused due to fatigue, lack of sleep, migraine, stress, dietary deficiency, anemia or kidney disease. These dark circles appear usually during mid 30’s and become quite visible because the skin surrounding the eyes is quite thin and delicate.

Remedies for dark circles:

  • A good healthy sleep is advised.
  • Take some water and boil some tea in it. Wait till it gets cool and then make ice cubes of it and then put these cubes around eyes. This will nake eyes looks brighter.
  • Apply the cleansing cream around the eyes for fifteen minutes. Leave it dry and the wash it moist cotton.
  • For washing your eyes Epsom salt should be used.
  • Keep two slices of cucumber on both the eyes for about an hour which will cool the eyes.
  • Apply castor oil for any boil in or around eyes.
  • Wash the eyes with rose water. This would cool the eyes.
  • A nutrient rich diet should be taken.
  • Put a drop of refined castor oil into our eyes to get rid of dirt.

Laughter lines:

The skin around the eye is approximately ten times thinner than the skin which is on lower cheek. The use of skin around the eyes is used about ninety thousand times per day for blinking. That is the reason skin around the eyes shows sigh of ageing very early.

Tips for laughter lines:

  • Massage with corn oil or castor around the eyes.
  • Face packs and bleaching should be avoided near the eyes.
  • Good quality kajal and apply with god quality eye pencil and eyeliner.

Crow’s feet:

These are wrinkles at the corners of the eye. They appear because of old age, dryness of skin or sometimes due to cold wind. The protection from sun is necessary for preventing crow’s feet and laughter lines.


  • Apply petroleum jelly or olive oil on crow’s feet.
  • You can also apply this homemade wrinkle cream
  • Lanolin Almond Cream
  • Take one tablespoon of almond oil
  • Take two tablespoons of lanolin.
  • Heat the lanolin over slow heat till it melts. Add almond oil to it. Mix the ingredients to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on skin near eyes. It will be very effective

Diet for eyes:

The most important component for good eyes and vision is vitamin A. you can have cod liver oil and fish. Yellow fruits and vegetables are good source of vitamin A. Egg yolk and butter are also rich in vitamin A green leafy vegetables should be taken more.

source from

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