Monday, April 21, 2008

Top 8 Bath Products

Every bath needs a few key products: Scrubs, body washes, salts & a nice bar soap. Here are 8 favorites we're currently addicted to. Try them out. We promise you'll become addicted too.

1. Sugar Scrub: Vitabath Spring Green Sugar Scrub

We are currently addicted to this sugar scrub. Apply some to a scrub mitt & massage all over. You're left with silky, creamy skin & no more dead skin cells. Our #1 pick for any bath.

2. Dead Sea Bath Salts: Ahava

Of the many bath salts out there, we feel the best ones contain 100% salt from Israel's Dead Sea. People with skin conditions flock to the Dead Sea for it's almost 'miracle' abilities to calm skin problems. Ahava's bath salts are the best ones on the market. Pour a few tablespoons into your bath & watch your stress melt away.

3. Moisturizer for After the Bath: Kiehl's Creme de Corps Body Moisturizer

Baths can be drying. You need a thick moisturizer post-bath & you won't find a better one that Kiehl's. It's thick, butter-colored & doesn't contain any fragrances. In fact, it doesn't smell good -- or bad -- it's moisturizer in it's most natural state. But it works, deeply moisturizing your entire body. Plus it comes in a huge bottle so you can pump & pump away. A must for any bath in the wintertime.

Extra tip: Smooth on the moisturizer when skin is still damp, it keep the moisture in.

4. Bubble Bath: Fresh Body Market Milk

Milk baths are incredibly hydrating. What we like about this fresh organic coconut milk bath with glycerin is its creaminess. It leaves skin silky smooth. Plus, this bath produces tons of dense, long lasting bubbles.

Homemade Option: Don't want to splurge? Make your own milk bath by pouring 3 cups pure buttermilk & 3 tablespoons of honey in the tub. Stir it up & enjoy.

5. Special Shampoo: Komenuka Bijin Hair Shampoo

OK, so you have your everyday shampoo. You have your dandruff shampoo for those scaly days. And you need a fancy shampoo for those days when you need a pick-me-up, you have a big date or your interviewing for your dream job. This Japanese shampoo, found only in boutiques, is the perfect special occasion shampoo. You could make it your regular shampoo, but why spend the money? Plus, you'll enjoy it more if you save it for a special occasion.

6. Body Wash: Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Body Wash

In winter, skin gets chapped (unless you live in the South) & in summer it's susceptible to sunburn. This body wash won't irritate further. Instead, the oatmeal in it will calm & soften surburned or chapped skin.

7. French Milk Soaps: Fresh Milk Soap

We love Fresh soaps. But here's the deal, they're not cheap. However, they are so good our friend Janine collected a dozen of them in our neighborhood Fresh store to take with her to Mississippi to give her mom. Turns out her mom fell in love with Fresh but couldn't get the soaps anywhere near her. Milk soaps are some of the most calming you can get & Fresh is our favorite. Don't want to spend the money? Try Alabu's goat milk soap below. The price is unbelievable.

Best goat milk soap: Alabu

8. Bath Bombs: LUSH

Perhaps the most fun bath product ever (even more fun that bubble baths, we think), bath bombs fizz like Alka Seltzer in the water and when they're done, you're left to soak in nourishing bliss. There are no better bath bombs than LUSH. They have a variety of fragrances & ingredients. Check them out & pick your favorite.

source from

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